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Compassionate Care
 for the Dying
CanSupport, Delhi, India
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​Our VISION at CanSupport is that of a caring and supportive society where people with cancer and their families live with dignity, hope and comfort.

Our MISSION at CanSupport is to enable people with advanced cancer and their families to make informed choices and decisions and to receive appropriate physical, emotional, social and spiritual support.
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CanSupport was founded by Harmala Gupta in 1996. It grew out of her personal experience as a cancer survivor and as a support person for others. 

In 1991, Harmala had started the first cancer support group in India, Cancer Sahyog. She along with fellow survivors and caregivers began visiting cancer clinics in the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and the Institute Rotary Cancer Hospital (IRCH) in Delhi to provide information, practical help and an empathetic listening ear.
End of Life Care 